Task 4

Plot running data

Now we can create our first plot! As we found earlier, most of the activities in my data were running (459 of them to be exact). There are only 29, 18, and two instances for cycling, walking, and unicycling, respectively. So for now, let's focus on plotting the different running metrics.

An excellent first visualization is a figure with four subplots, one for each running metric (each numerical column). Each subplot will have a different y-axis, which is explained in each legend. The x-axis, Date, is shared among all subplots.

Plot running data from 2013 through 2018.

  • Subset df_run for data from 2013 through 2018. Take into account that observations in dataset stored in chronological order - most recent records first. Assign the result to runs_subset_2013_2018.

  • In the plotting code, enable subplots by setting the subplots parameter to True. Don’t use spaces around the = sign when used to indicate a keyword argument, as recommended in PEP 8 style guide for Python code.

  • Show the plot using plt.show().

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